TQR 10th Annual Conference Upcoming Keynote Presenter Eli Lieber

Eli Lieber

President and co-founder of SocioCultural Research Consultants, LLC (Dedoose.com)

Keynote Presentation

Social Science Research Methods: Design, Strategic Implementation, and Technological Advances

In this presentation, Dr. Lieber will reflect on his 20+ years of work at UCLA focused on the advancement of thinking about and strategically implementing qualitative and mixed methods approaches in social science research.  As in all sound research, study design, sampling, and data management and analysis requires thoughtful planning, reflection, and flexibility.  In qualitative and mixed methods research, these issues become more complex given the nature of the data and the multiple perspectives being brought to the work.  However, when done well, the findings from these studies can offer more comprehensive understandings than what would be possible with more limited designs.  Finally, in addition to this more conceptual framing, Dr. Lieber will discuss some technological advancements that can help increase efficiency and effectiveness in qualitative and mixed methods research.


Introduction to Dedoose: Research and Evaluation Data App (REDA) for Social Science Research

Dedoose is an intuitive web-app for the management, integration, and analysis of text, video, audio, survey, and other data.  Equally useful for those working from traditional qualitative or more comprehensive mixed methods perspectives.  Dedoose features addresses issues related to collaboration, platform preferences, integrating different forms of data, learning curve factors, accessibility, cost, and flexibility. The analytic features were designed and are continually evolving to accommodate research from a wide variety of epistemological positions and support efficient and methodologically rigorous work.  In this introductory session, Eli will provide a brief overview on the history and driving factors behind the development of Dedoose, take a tour of typical tasks and the key Dedoose Workspaces, and respond to participant inquiry with regard to specific features and functionality.