NSU Graduate Certificate in Qualitative Research to Add New Autoethnography Course | |||||||||
Ron Chenail, Director of Nova Southeastern University’s Graduate Certificate in Qualitative Research, announced the creation of new elective – QRGP 6310: Autoethnography. He said the online course, starting in January 2014, will introduce students to the historical, epistemological, theoretical, methodological, and procedural foundations of autoethnography. Students will learn a variety of approaches to autoethnography including individual, collaborative, critical, interpretive, and transformational forms and will practice appraising the quality of different types of autoethnographic reports. Lastly, he noted they will also learn how to conceive and conduct an autoethnography. More information about the Certificate can be found on the program’s web page located athttp://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/Graduate_Certificate_in_Qualitative_Research.html. (Posted October 14, 2013) |
TQR Editorial Board Tony Adams Receives NCA Award | |||||||||
Mitch Allen, Left Coast Press, Inc. Publisher announce this week TQR Editorial Board Tony Adams, along with his co-editors Stacy Holman Jones and Carolyn Ellis, will receive the 2013 National Communication Association Ethnography Division Best Edited Collection book award for their Handbook of Autoethnography. More info on the Handbook can be found here:http://www.lcoastpress.com/book.php?id=429 (Posted October 14, 2013) |
Jennifer R. Wolgemuth Joins TQR Editorial Board | |||||||||
We at TQR are delighted to announce Jennifer R. Wolgemuth has joined the journal as our newest Editorial Advisory Board member. Jennifer is an Assistant Professor of Educational Research at the University of South Florida where she teaches doctoral and master’s level research design and qualitative research classes. Her scholarship focuses on the unintended and messy outcomes of social science research, including its personal and social impacts on researchers, participants, and those who shepherd research evidence into policy and practice. (Posted October 7, 2013) |
The Qualitative Report Achieves Three Important Community Milestones | |||||||||
The Qualitative Report has reached 3 important milestones in the last two weeks. TQR Facebook has achieved over 1700 fans becoming one of the largest qualitative research pages on Facebook. TQR Twitter account has grown to over 1900 followers surpassing Facebook in a shorter lifespan. The Qualitative Report‘s Twitter account was also rated #5 by onlinephdprogram.org list of the Top 101 Twitter accounts that every #PhD Should Follow. In addition to our growing social media community, our subscriber base has reached over 7,000 subscriptions, reaching our yearly goal of 1000 subscribers 3 months early! If you have not subscribed yet, you may do so for free here. (Posted September 23, 2013) |
The Qualitative Report Names Melissa Rosen as Its New Production Editor | |||||||||
We at TQR are delighted to announce Melissa Rosen has joined the journal as our new Production Editor. Originally from Bensalem, PA, where her parents and two sisters reside, Melissa completed her Bachelor’s degree in psychology at Nova Southeastern University (NSU), and is also a proud alumna of Sigma Delta Tau. Currently, she is working on earning her Master’s degree at NSU in Family Therapy. She hopes to one day pursue a career working with military families and veterans as a family therapist. (Posted September 23, 2013) |
Jeffrey M. Keefer Joins TQR Editorial Board | |||||||||
We at TQR are delighted to announce Jeffrey M. Keefer, Ph.D., as our newest TQR Editorial Board member. Dr. Keefer is a Project Manager in Clinical Education and Quality Management Services at Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY), where he manages instructional and program design initiatives, strategizes and integrates social media and learning across the enterprise, manages eLearning and community grants, administers WebEx webinar services, and directs programs that oversees organizational access to the evidence and research database utilization. He teaches at New York University’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies in the Management and Systems (MASY) and the Human Resource Management and Development (HRMD) graduate programs, where he teaches the core graduate research process and methodology course. He is also an instructor in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program at Pace University’s Lienhard School of Nursing, where he teaches Teaching and Learning in Advanced Practice Nursing. His teaching flows from his doctoral work in Educational Research, having recently defended his doctoral thesis “Navigating Liminality: The Experience of Troublesome Periods and Distance during Doctoral Study.” Jeffrey’s research interests cover educational research and interdisciplinarity. He focuses on distance and online learning, internet research, digital identity, social learning and social media, networked and technology enhanced learning, threshold concepts and liminal experiences in higher education, teaching and program design in adult and organizational learning, communities of practice, qualitative methodologies, narrative inquiry, and actor-network theory. You can also follow Jeffrey on his blog, “Silence and Voice: Educational Research, Distance, & Liminality.” (Posted August 21, 2013) |
TQR Now Distributed to Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology Membership | |||||||||
Starting with its August 19, 2013 issue, The Qualitative Report (TQR) has partnered with the Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology(SQIP) to distribute TQR to SQIP’s 1300 scholars of qualitative research. This collaborative effort brings TQR‘s subscriber base to over 8,000 people. The Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology serves as a forum for researchers and practitioners to reflect on forms of qualitative study in psychology. It also serves as a vibrant community to stimulate deliberation on the methodological, theoretical, and philosophic status of such forms of inquiry. SQIP is also a newly formed section of Division 5 of the American Psychological Association. To learn a more about becoming a member click here. To join their list serve follow them on Facebook here. (Posted August 20, 2013) |
Jim Bernauer’s TQR Conference Paper Published in Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research | |||||||||
An article based upon Jim Bernauer’s Third Annual TQR Conference presentation was published in the September issue of Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research. In the article, entitled “The Serendipitous Shoemaker: Creativity and Passion in Participant Selection,” Jim offers a particular perspective on creativity and relates this perspective to how a participant was selected for a qualitative study. In presenting this perspective on creativity and participant selection Jim hopes the approach can be transferred to different contexts based on this description. The Qualitative Report Fifth Annual Conference (TQR2014) will take place January 17-18, 2014 at Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA. The two-day event will feature plenary addresses by Johnny Saldaña and Sam Ladner along with 81 presentations by 127 presenters. Registration for TQR2014 will open October 1, 2013. (Posted August 19, 2013) |
NSU Appoints TQR Editor-in-Chief Ronald J. Chenail Associate Provost for the Division of Applied Interdisciplinary Studies | |||||||||
“Dr. Chenail has a solid track record of research and scholarship achievements,” said Hanbury. “His facilitative style of leadership and extensive knowledge of the DAIS people and programs will be instrumental in helping the University reach its strategic goals.” Prior to being appointed as Associate Provost, Dr. Chenail served at NSU as Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness, Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs, Dean of the School of Social and Systemic Studies (the former name of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences – SHSS), and Interim Dean of the Center for Psychological Studies. He is also a Full Professor of Family Therapy in SHSS and Editor-in-Chief of NSU’s The Qualitative Report, the world’s first online interdisciplinary qualitative research journal. Since becoming a faculty member at the University in 1989, he has secured 12 grants and contracts for NSU totally over $1,000,000; produced over 120 publications including four books (Medical Discourse and Systemic Frames of Comprehension; Practicing Therapy: Exercises for Growing Therapists; The Talk of the Clinic: Explorations in the Analysis of Medical and Therapeutic Discourse; and Qualitative Research Proposals and Reports: A Guide), and given over 180 formal academic presentations at conferences and meetings. He served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy (JMFT), the flagship research journal of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), for two terms. In addition he is an editorial board member of Qualitative Research in Psychology; Qualitative Social Work; Counselling, Psychotherapy, and Health; and Sistemas Familiares; as well as a founding editorial board member of Qualitative Inquiry. (Posted August 12, 2013) |
Keeney, Keeney, and Chenail’s TQR Article Published in New Book | |||||||||
(Posted August 5, 2013) |
TQR Names New Editorial Board Member and Apprentice | |||||||||
We at TQR are delighted to announce our newest TQR Editorial Board member:
We are also pleased to announce our newest TQR apprentice:
(Posted July 29, 2013) |
OnlinePh.D.Program.org Selects The Qualitative Report‘s Twitter Account @T_Q_R Number 5 Twitter Account for Doctoral Students | |||||||||
(Posted July 15, 2013) |
TQR Editorial Board Member Gary Shank Publishes The Spirit of Qualitative Research Lecture Series with Amazon Kindle Store | |||||||||
Gary D. Shank, renown qualitative researcher, Duquesne University professor of research methods and education, and TQR Editorial Board Member, announced this week he has published The Spirit of Qualitative Research Lecture Series with Amazon Kindle Store. In the eleven lectures he addresses issues that are not often discussed in print in the qualitative research literature focusing why rather than how we do our qualitative research. For more information please contact Gary at garyshank@comcast.net. (Posted July 15, 2013) |
TQR Editors Receive Honorable Mention for 2013 Anselm Strauss Award for Qualitative Family Research | |||||||||
TQR Editors Ron Chenail, Sally St. George, Dan Wulff, Maureen Duffy, and Karen Wilson Scott, along with colleague Karl Tomm, received honorable mention for the for 2013 Anselm Strauss Award for Qualitative Family Research to their article, “Clients’ Relational Conceptions of Conjoint Couple and Family Therapy Quality: A Grounded Formal Theory,” which was published last year in Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. The recognition was made by the Anselm Strauss Award Committee, which is part of the Qualitative Family Research Network, Research and Theory Section, National Council on Family Relations. The Strauss Award, which is given each year, recognizes significant work in the area of family theory, methods, and research that comes from a qualitative tradition. Honorable mention is granted to those articles or chapters which do not receive the award but otherwise meet the award criteria and, in the assessment of members of the committee, also deserve recognition. In making this recognition, the Anselm Strauss Award Committee noted, “Qualitative metasynthesis is an innovative approach in qualitative family scholarship. Committee members noted several strengths in this article, most importantly having a strong and detailed research design. Committee members suggested that this article can be a model for others wanting to conduct their own qualitative metasyntheses.” For more information on the Strauss Award, please see visit its webpage located at http://www.ncfr.org/awards/section-awards/research-theory-focus-group-awards/anselm-strauss-award-qualitative-family-res.< /p> (Posted July 8, 2013) |
TQR Reader Discount Available for Social Fictions Series | |||||||||
Series Editor Patricia Leavy has announced the release of the fifth title in the Social Fictions series – Zombie See and the Butterfly Blues: A Case of Social Justice by R. P. Clair. To celebrate she is offering TQR readers 25% off any title in the Social Fictions series during the month of June 2013. To get the discount TQR readers must buy the book from the sense website located athttps://www.sensepublishers.com/catalogs/bookseries/social-fictions-series/ and use promo code 192837 at checkout. (Posted June 3, 2013) |
Call for New Resources for Revised Compendium | |||||||||
TQR Editor-in-Chief Ron Chenail announced work on the new edition of A Compendium of Teaching and Learning Qualitative Research Resources, a publication in the TQR Qualitative Research Resource Series, is under way and he is asking authors to submit information regarding their new articles, chapters, books, and web-based resources so these new sources can be added to the 2013 edition. He is also asking folks who have read a helpful, new source on teaching or learning qualitative research, mixed-methods, or action/appreciative inquiry to also submit that information. Please send all notes on suggested additions to Ron Chenail (ron@nova.edu). Everyone submitting suggestions will be acknowledged in the new edition. (Posted May 6, 2013) |
TQR Board Member Valerie Janesick Makes Multiple Recent Presentations | |||||||||
TQR Editorial Board member Valerie Janesick made a series of recent presentations:
Besides her work with TQR, Dr. Janesick is also a Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida USA. You can learn more about her work by visiting her website located at http://sites.google.com/site/valeriejjanesick. (Posted May 20, 2013) |
TQR Names New Assistant Editor | |||||||||
We at TQR are delighted to announce our newest TQR Assistant Editor:
(Posted April 22, 2013) |
TQR Passes 6,500 Subscribers | |||||||||
Adam Rosenthal, TQR Community Coordinator, reported this week the number of subscribers to The Qualitative Report topped the 6,500 mark. He also noted the total of TQR Community social media followers on Facebook and Twitter have passed 2,700. (Posted April 8, 2013) |
TQR Names New Board Member | |||||||||
We at TQR are delighted to announce our newest member of the TQR Editorial Advisory Board
(Posted March 11, 2013) |
TQR Names New Board Member | |||||||||
We at TQR are delighted to announce our newest member of the TQR Editorial Advisory Board
(Posted February 18, 2013) |
TQR Names New Board Member | |||||||||
We at TQR are delighted to announce our newest member of the TQR Editorial Advisory Board
(Posted February 11, 2013) |
TQR Board Member Khawla Abu-Baker Publishes Two New Papers | |||||||||
TQR Board Member and faculty with the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, Israel and Al-Qasemi Academy – Academic College for Education, Bafa Al Garbeia, Israel, Khawla Abu-Baker has announced the publication of her two latest papers:
For more information on these papers, please email Dr. Abu-Baker at khawla.abubaker@gmail.com. (Posted February 6, 2013) |
TQR Board Member Johnny Saldaña Seeks Recommendations for Outstanding Journal Articles | |||||||||
Sage Publications wants to put up a companion website for my new book that has links to outstanding qualitative research articles from various disciplines (but they MUST be from journals published by Sage, like Field Methods, Qualitative Inquiry, Qualitative Health Research, etc.). What, to you, are at least 1 to 3 outstanding qualitative research articles you’ve read (or written!–don’t be shy!) that you feel merit a listing on the reference web page? What qualitative research articles do you feel are worth anyone in qualitative research reading, regardless of discipline? Remember: they MUST be from journals published by Sage. If you can send me any bibliographic info (the more complete the better) about your recommended article(s), I’d appreciate your help with this project. I’m looking for a wide range of genres and topics, from health care to psychology, from ethnography to grounded theory, from mixed methods to arts-based research. Either post to this discussion, or send the info to: Johnny.Saldana@asu.edu. Thanks! Johnny Saldaña (Posted February 4, 2013) |
TQR Names Newest Board and Apprenticeship Program Members | |||||||||
We at TQR are delighted to announce our newest members of the TQR Editorial Advisory Board and Apprenticeship Program Editorial Board
Apprenticeship Program
TQR Names New Board Member | |||||||||
We at TQR are delighted to announce our newest member of the TQR Editorial Advisory Board
(Posted January 21, 2013) |
New TQR Feature: Research Rookies | |||||||||
We want to hear from students and researchers new to qualitative research making their first discoveries about their work and themselves. We also want experienced researchers sharing their “origin” stories as well as accounts of experienced researchers experiencing something new in their evolving research experiences. We conceive these stories to be expressed in a variety of media: (a) Written Essays (approximately 2,000 words in length), (b) Image Essays (10 photos/drawings accompanied by approximately 1,000 words of commentary), and (c) Videos / YouTube Essays (10-minute maximum in duration accompanied by approximately 1,000 words of commentary). To submit your Research Rookies contribution, please go to the <i.tqr< i=””>Manuacript Submission Page and upload tour file. (Posted January 14, 2013) |
TQR Names New Board Member | |||||||||
We at TQR are delighted to announce our newest member of the TQR Editorial Advisory Board
(Posted January 14, 2013) |
TQR Names New Apprentices | |||||||||
We at TQR are delighted to announce our newest members for our TQR Apprenticeship Program.
(Posted January 7, 2013) |